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El waha Citrus season and packing specification

Please find hereunder a table illustrating all our products, season and counts for Citrus products,

  • Oranges:
Variety Season duration
Start week End week
Navel Beginning of Dec. Beginning of Mar.
Valencia Beginning of January . End of May


  • Counts:
Count EU Calibre Diameter
40 1 88-92
48 2 84-88
56 3 81-84
64 4 77-81
72 5 73-77
84 7 69-73
100 8 64-69
113 8 60-64


  • Navel and counts tend to big counts.
  • Valencia counts tend to small counts.


  • Packing: we pack oranges in either open top or top & bottom cartons , the container is as follows:
Top & bottom Open top
Number of pallets per container 20 pallets 20 pallets
Number of cartons per pallet 80 cartons 65 cartons
Total number of cartons per container 1600 cartons 1300 cartons
Approximate net weight per carton 15 kg s 15 kg s
Approximate total net weight per container 24,000 tons 19,500 tons



  • Lemons:


Variety Season duration
Start week End week
Lemon End  of October . Mid  Feb.


  • Counts:
Counts in 15 kg Carton EU Calibre Diameter MM
75 2 69-73
88 3 66-70
100 3 63-68
110 4 60-65
125 5 57-62
144 5 53-58
180 6 50-54


  • Packing: we pack Lemon in either open top or top & bottom cartons , the container is as follows:
Top & bottom Open top
Number of pallets per container 20 pallets 20 pallets
Number of cartons per pallet 80 cartons 65 cartons
Total number of cartons per container 1400 cartons 1300 cartons
Approximate net weight per carton 15 kg s 15 kg s
Approximate total net weight per container 24,000 tons 19,500 tons



  • Easy Peelers:


Variety Season duration
Start week End week
Early Mandarin (Fremont) 2th Week of Nov. 1st Week of Jan.
Late Mandarin

(Honey murcot )

Beginning of Jan. End  of March.
Minneola 1st Week of Jan. 1st Week of Feb.




  • Counts:
Counts in 8 kg Carton EU Calibre Diameter MM
45 XX1 81-77
54 XX1 70-74
63 1 70-66
72 2 66-62
80 3 58-62
90 3 55-58


  • Early Mandarin counts tend to small counts.
  • Late Mandarin counts tend to big counts.
  • Packing: we pack Mandarin in open top cartons , the container is as follows:
Open top
Number of pallets per container 20 pallets
Number of cartons per pallet 120 cartons
Total number of cartons per container 2400 cartons
Approximate net weight per carton 8 kg s
Approximate total net weight per container 19,200 tons